Apparel designed for the future.

Grounded in the philosophy of quality and consciousness, anima’s apparel is the embodiment of mindful design and mindful movement.

Our apparel is created with longevity and sustainability in mind in order for all to be able to reduce their carbon footprint. We are on a journey towards zero.

anima was created to give a community of like-minded individuals an opportunity to buy into a future that holds respect for transparency of material and its impact on both your body and the environment.

Our community hopes to inspire consciousness towards mindfulness, and activism.

We design apparel that is kind and sustainable, allowing your body to move and breathe freely.

Sustainability is embodied within the designs too, as each anima piece has been intentionally crafted and manufactured with simplicity and timelessness in mind.


The skin is your body’s largest organ. Protecting and treating your skin with the utmost importance starts with the fabric you wear.

Natural fibres allow your body to excrete toxins while you sweat, allowing your skin to breathe and you to feel comfortable when moving your body.

Synthetic fibres transmit their toxicities to the wearer. Examples of these fibres are polyester, rayon, acrylic, acetate, and nylon. These materials are treated with thousands of chemicals during production.

Our founder made it her mission to try find a better solution to minimise the prevalence of microfiber pollution and promote information to consumers. She’s designed a product that is natural. Not just better for our planet but for our skin too.

Raquel Telo

“Overall, movement has allowed me to see how important it is to practice patience and kindness with myself. It has shown me I am both strong and weak, neither being a good nor a bad thing. It has shown me how strong and resilient I am just through engaging my breath and using my own body as a weight.”